元禄年間の創業以来、数々の火災などに見舞われながらも300年に渡って続く和菓子屋「秋色庵 大坂家」。毎朝9時に開店するや否や、近くで働くサラリーマンの方や、お出かけされる奥様がひっきりなしに訪れる様子を見ていると、このお店が三田の街に無くてはならないものであることを実感せずにはいられません。そこで18代目を務める女将の倉本ヒロ子さんとはどんな方なのか、昔を振り返りながらお話を聞いてみました。
The Japanese confectionery shop Shushikian Osakaya was founded in the late 17th century and overcame fire and other disasters to operate for 300 years. As soon as it opens its doors at 9 AM, the shop bustles with neighborhood businessmen and women on their way to visit someone; it’s obvious that the shop is indispensable to the town of Mita. We spoke with the 18th generation proprietress, Hiroko Kuramoto, to learn about her as we looked back at the shop’s history.
Mita street underwent land readjustment at the end of showa, causing many people in the neighborhood to move, so the town changed quite a bit around here. My husband and I are the 18th generation owners, and there has been an increase of male customers because there’s a lot of business buildings now. But right before the war, the nearby college would hold seminars on our second floor because of lack of campus space. So there were a lot of students. Incidentally, we’ve been using our signboard since the Taisho era.
Our confectioneries are free of additives, and I think the instant red bean soup and fresh sweets sell briskly when it’s cold. But the favorite item is definitely the Shushiki monaka, which carries our shop name.
The name comes from our ancestor, the female haiku poet Shushikijo who studied under Takarai Kikaku, a popular poet in the Edo period. There’s actually a Shushiki cherry tree in Ueno. It’s said that Shushikijo wrote a poem and tied it to the tree, catching the eye of a lord. She was very dutiful to her parents and became famous in Edo, kind of like what you would call an idol now. There are three flavors of monaka—bean paste, brown sugar, and chestnut. The brown sugar is especially popular and many customers ask for multiple packs of brown sugar only.
The key to being energetic? I think that would be work. I enjoy working, so I would work in the shop even while raising my children when I was younger. We have three daughters, and we’ve turned over some of the duties to the youngest one, so I think it’s hard for her. When I was raising kids, we had maybe two young live-in helpers, so it wasn’t too tough. But I think my daughter is really busy. That’s why I make it a point to always wake up at about 6:30 to be the first at work. We live above the shop, so I’m in charge of cooking for my daughter’s family. But once a week on Sundays, I completely relax and do whatever I want. I think this balance is important.
I’ve been watching the changes in the town and people from the shop for 50 years now. It definitely makes me happy that customers who’ve been visiting since the time I married into the family continue to come, now with their children. Some bring their grandchildren too. It’s fun to fuss, “They’ve gotten so big!” and talk about old times. We always wind up chatting for quite a bit.
The shop first opened in Nihonbashi but burned down from a fire that started next door. After some discussion, it was decided to reopen the store here. It’s a little sad that many of the small shops have closed since.
普段大事にしていることを聞かれると…… そうね、お客さまが疑問に持たれていることや聞かれたことに対して、自分が分かっている範囲で全部応えるように気を付けています。主にお菓子のことを聞かれるけど、中にはこれから行く人に何を持っていけば良いか尋ねられることもあるので、お菓子だったりそれ以外のものをお勧めしたりしてますね。
What am I usually conscientious of? Well, I do take care to fully answer questions as well as I can whenever a customer has a question. It’s usually about the confectioneries, but they sometimes ask for gift recommendations, so I suggest confectioneries or something else.
I also want our employees to listen carefully to customers. This is the most important thing. For example, they’ll sometimes ask for a surprising combination when assembling a gift box. There’s always a lot to learn from the customer.
When running a store in the same location, community relationships become important. Communicating with customers is obviously meaningful, but the same applies to horizontal ties such as with the shopping district and neighborhood association. This area holds some aspects of an old friendly neighborhood, and I probably wouldn’t have been able to work here so long otherwise.
The neighborhood association holds New Year parties, festivals, dinners, and even a yearly bus trip. It’s a small group, but getting together like that is fun. We also invite people who used to live nearby to join if they can. The association members have gotten elderly, so I hope that we can pass it on to the younger generation.
[Google mapを見る]
3-1-9, Mita , Minato-ku, Tokyo
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Hours of
[月~金] 9:00~18:30
[土] 9:00~18:00
Monday-Friday] 9:00~18:30
[Saturday] 9:00~18:00
Sunday / National Holidays
May not apply to seasonal festivals