℃ocochi Perceived Temperature Gauge

Why hotter or colder than the forecast?
Then the perceived temperature may be more practical for Tokyo. So ℃ocochi was created.
℃ocochi informs you of the perceived temperature using figures, colors, and voice
based on updated meteorological data. Take a look before going out or receiving guests.

Before going out in winter

Heat stroke prevention


℃ocochi Mechanism

℃ocochi retrieves meteorological data from the internet, using a Heat Index*
developed specifically for Tokyo to display the perceived temperature.

Tokyo Heat Index (for ℃ocochi only)


Developed from the historical highest (49.8℃) and lowest (-7.3℃) percieved temperatures in Tokyo.

The perceived temperature is also indicated by colors as adopted by the US National Weather Service. So you can grasp the perceived clearly and intuitively without feeling at odds with the actual temperature. The perceived temperature is also effective for heat stroke prevention.

℃ocochi Three Features

Displaying Percieved Temperature

Updated every hour using Weather Underground's meteorological data.


℃ocochi reports the percieved temperature by voice.

Sending Alerts

The alert light flashes when the temperature differs from the perceived one by 5℃ or more.

℃ocochi Profile

Android 4.4
Quad core 1.3GHz
Weather data
Weather Underground
Aques talk2 mf2
White Oak

* ℃ocochi is a prototype.